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Learn about unFederalReserve

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

The process starts with Forum (proposals start here).

Secondly, Voting happens here:

eRSDL Voting
uneRSDL Voting

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

unFederalReserve Protocol considers security as our top priority; our implementation team, in collaboration with third-party auditors and experts, has worked hard to build a protocol that is secure and dependable. Both contract code and balances are openly verifiable, and security researchers will earn a bug bounty for discovering previously unknown vulnerabilities.

More information can be found on their Security Docs Page.

What is unFederalReserve?

unFederalReserve™ is a fintech SaaS company combining software built on blockchain technology and 200 years of consumer lending experience. ReserveLending™ is our live DeFi or P2P lending and borrowing platform. Get the most from your crypto while enjoying a safe and easy user experience by clicking the button below.

Our banking products are designed for smaller U.S. Treasury chartered banks and non-bank lenders in need of a DeFi strategy and greater liquidity without sacrificing security or compliance.

What is your teams expertise / track record?


Howard Krieger

Founder & CEO

Vladyslav Tarasenko

Solutions Architect

Ryan Medlin

Founder & CTO

Team Track Record

More information on the unFederalReserve Team can be found on their Team Page.

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