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PoS Validator


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Learn about TienThuatToan

What is your teams expertise / track record?


Duc Hoang


Team Track Record

Vietnam's largest community validator, offering validation services, educational resources, and market penetration in the Vietnamese crypto market.

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

- Our validator nodes are geographically distributed and secured with the latest software, firewalls, and HSMs.

- We use various monitoring tools and alerting systems to track node health and performance.

- Our validator nodes are hosted on bare metal servers from reputable providers and backed up regularly to ensure data integrity.

- We are considering using cloud-based validator nodes and multi-signature wallets for further security and reliability.

What is TienThuatToan?

Vietnam, since 2019. $20M+ TVS. 21k+ wallet staked. Vibrant 510k+ community