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Proof of Stake
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PoS Validator


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Learn about SNZPool

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

SNZPool is equipped with sentry nodes, multi-area backup nodes, hardware wallets, daemon monitoring, multi-channel alerting, and auto-restart on crash to ensure reliability, scalability and high performance.

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

We put in place a proper process and have a team dedicated to online and offline discussions. Our principle is to maintain the security, stability and health of the entire network.

What is your teams expertise / track record?

Team Track Record

SNZPool started its business as a validator since 2018 with the team which have over 5 years experience in blockchain technology. SNZPool is also a subsidiary under SNZ Holding. SNZ Holding is a crypto assets capital, consulting service, community builder and an early investor in Ethereum, Dfinity, Cosmos, Polkadot and other renowned projects.

What is SNZ Pool?

SNZPool is a professional and reliable POS validator for a variety of projects including but not limited to Cosmos, IRISnet, EOS, ONT and Loom. We are committed to maintaining the security and stability of each network, offering professional POS services and strongly supporting and contributing to projects and their communities.

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