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PoS Validator


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Learn about SG-1

What is your teams expertise / track record?


Tobias Schwarz




Team Track Record

Toschdev is one of the most gifted developers in the blockchain space. Formerly at Lisk and now with Tendermint.

Lobo is an active builder in the Cosmos ecosystem since early 2018 supporting various networks and ecosystems with his 6 years of blockchain experience and business development background.

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

For our Infrastructure and Security Setup we have chosen a multi-tier system of servers. We have sentry, backup and open API servers that build the first front, while the validator servers are hidden and protected behind those, protected from DDOS or direct attacking and with a KMS of our choice. With building this infrastructure, we keep in mind to distribute our servers split with own managed servers and servers hosted by different cloud providers. This enables us to scale geographically as well as in storage, computing and bandwidth.

What is SG-1?

SG-1 is a proof of stake validator, developer, researcher and explorer. We actively secure various Cosmos SDK based networks and also help grow ecosystems & develop applications and tooling to further mainstream adoption of blockchain technology.

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

All on-chain governance proposals on Cosmos SDK based networks are carefully studied and discussed with delegators and other validators to find solutions that drive value to the networks & blockchain space.

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