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Proof of Stake
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PoS Validator


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Myrmidon Reward Options

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Learn about Myrmidon

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

We stay updated on governance for each network we support and act in accordance to consensus.


Non-custodial staking as a service for various PoS networks. We build infrastructure so you can focus on growing your capital.

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

We run dedicated nodes and servers at our own serverhouse with backup at different locations. We do not rely on any 3rd party to conduct our services and own the infrastructure process from start to finish.

What is your teams expertise / track record?


Nikolaj Rosenthal


Mikael Bondum

Staking expert

Kaare Siesing


Thorbjørn Breum

Head of Engineering

Carsten Breum


Team Track Record

Nikolaj Rosenthal – Former CEO for a crypto-broker . Been in the space since 2016 and first athlete to get paid in Bitcoin in 2017. Holds a master degree in Innovation & Entrepreneurship from Copenhagen Business School.

Mikael Bondum – Former product owner of Staking at Bitcoin Suisse. Been in the space since 2015 and holds a master degree in IT from Copenhagen Business School.

Kaare Siesing – CEO for 30+ years in a software company, building internet infrastructure and hosting servers for companies. Experienced developer.

Thorbjørn Breum - Head of Engineering. Crypto enthusiast who has been following the space since 2012. Self-taught developer who has created and run multiple projects.

Carsten Breum - Partner. M.Sc. in physics and computer science. +40 years advanced software development experience, and a passionate blockchain developer.

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