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Proof of Stake
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PoS Validator


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Kiln Reward Options

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Earn Juicy Staking Rewards.

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Learn about Kiln

What is your teams expertise / track record?









Head of Infrastructure


Lead PM


Head of Engineering

Team Track Record

Past companies of employees: Google, Consensys, Ledger, Circle, Chainalysis

Kiln track record:

– Share of ETH staking: 3%

– Slashing recorded: 0

– $2B+ AUS

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

Kiln makes use of managed services and security solutions available on various cloud providers. We also deploy all of our protocols and proprietary API inside containers meaning we do not manage the underlying infrastructure hardware directly.

Kiln encrypts data at rest and in transit for all of our resources. We use tools like Hashicorp Vault and Amazon Web Service’s Key Management System (KMS) to manage encryption keys using hardware security modules for maximum security in line with industry best practices.

More info:

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

As an institutional staking provider, our primary guide for governance decisions consists of aligning with our customers’ requirements. We also have our own views based on our involvement with each community we are active on, and implement these views through our protocol specialists partnering with our DevOps engineers on each network.

What is Kiln?

Kiln is the leading enterprise-grade staking platform, enabling institutional customers to stake assets, and to whitelabel staking functionality into their offering. Kiln runs validators on all major PoS blockchains, with over $6 billion crypto assets being programmatically staked, and running over 4% of the Ethereum network on a multi-client, multi-cloud, and multi-region infrastructure. Kiln also provides a validator-agnostic suite of products for fully automated deployment of validators, and reporting and commission management, enabling custodians, wallets and exchanges to streamline staking operations across providers. Kiln is also SOC2 Type 2 certified.

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