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Learn about Easynodes

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

We actively participate in the ecological construction of the public chain. For community governance, we will implement large community governance and Easynodes small community governance to fully reflect the demands of community users and make the community ecology more prosperous.

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

In terms of Masternode, we support a decentralized approach. Users have the private keys of their assets, and we only host the node server. This is more secure.
In terms of staking, we use high-defense servers from Amazon Cloud and Alibaba Cloud, and 7*24 full-time monitoring to make users’ staking income more stable.

What is your teams expertise / track record?


Tony Wang


Team Track Record

We have been operating and maintaining node services since 2018. As an Exchange and Supernode, we have run BTC/ETH/WAVES/GRIN/VITE/ERGO/HNS/ EPIC/IDNA/BIS/XMV/HTR/PRV, etc. Now we Open up this ability to support community users to maintain their own nodes.At the same time, We will supports more super nodes and staking.

What is Easynodes?

Easynodes is a staking service provider that focuses on PoS. We will Provide you with convenient, safe and stable enterprise-level services.