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How do you handle Governance Decisions?

At, we believe in the power of informed decision-making, and we have developed a range of innovative solutions to enable just that. Our Validator constitution provides a clear and comprehensive framework for voting, including options such as Yes, No, No with Veto and Abstain. In addition, our “Cosmos Ecosystem Proposals” bot delivers real-time updates on all on-chain proposals, enabling users to stay up-to-date with the latest votes. At the heart of our approach is a deep commitment to listening to and incorporating feedback from our valued users and delegators. To this end, we have created a dedicated forum on network proposals, where individuals can share their thoughts and ideas in a collaborative and supportive environment.

What is your teams expertise / track record?


Alex Falko

Co-Founder & CFO

Anton Pavlutsky

Co-Founder & CEO

Gregory Shabalov

Co-Founder & CTO

Pavel Khivintsev

Lead Backend Developer

Reena Shtedle

CBDO & DevRel

Dmitrii Shehovtsov


Team Track Record

Citadel.One team is extensive not only by quantity but also by quality. Our team consists of specialists that are apt to cover all the tech needs – from DevOps and node administration to backend & frontend handling, from fintech experts to marketing specialists. We’ve accumulated our knowledge and more than 9 years of crypto experience to bring an astonishing product to you.

What is Citadel? was born to provide a new level of access to the world of crypto and bring intuitive UX/UI to cover all of the crypto users’ needs. Our main goal is to create a multi-chain solution with extended analytical functionality and built-in applications that empower existing use cases and make crypto interactions easier.

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

Mostly using cloud providers, bare metal servers for highly loaded networks; Automated deployment of nodes using Ansible + AWX. We’re running a validator with a sentry.
For backups, we’re using disk snapshots and S3 storage.
For monitoring, we’re using Zabbix and grafana+prometheus to monitor basic system metrics and tendermint-specific things. Alerts based on these metrics are sent to our telegram channel

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