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Anchor Staking

Trending Reward Option

PoS Validator


Anchor Staking Staking Performance Charts

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Anchor Staking Reward Options

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Earn Juicy Staking Rewards.

Learn about Anchor Staking

What is your teams expertise / track record?

Team Track Record

All validators are currently in top block producers. Return on stake is within the norm with a competitive commission for future network growth.

What is Anchor Staking?

Anchor Staking is a growing network of staking validators intended to make delegate proof of stake easy with a central host with 24/7 customer service.

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

Where applicable, all governance decisions are based on network growth.

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

All servers are built with redundancy over multiple regions to ensure uptime. security follows sentry node architecture with a minimum of one sentry active at all times.

Anchor Staking
Anchor Staking
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