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Staking Team

Proof of Stake
Trending Reward Option

PoS Validator


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Learn about Staking Team

What is Staking Team?

StakingTeam is a staking-as-a-service company operating secure and performant block validation nodes for supported cryptonetworks.
We offer public delegation services to retail token holders as well as outsourcing services for institutional stakeholders.
Our success has been built from scratch because of our commitment and strong support of communities; we are always ready to get in touch and help you gain interests on your cryptoassets.

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

StakingTeam takes all needed measures to prevent and avoid negative impact on block production and validation process in case of a malicious actions.
All front nodes are firewalled and protected with Arbor and Juniper hardware against layer 3,4 and 7 DDoS attacks.
Management access to our nodes is allowed only for whitelisted ip on non standard port and require Multi-Factor authentication.
Communication between front-end and back-end nodes take place only through a private Vlan connection. An additional security level is added, wherever possible, using an HSM for storing and managing private keys on signer nodes.
Secured and geographically distributed data backup, custom built script for real-time monitoring and alerting offer a very high quality service for all stakeholders.

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

We take on-chain governance very seriously, i.e. we always voted on Tezos protocol upgrades. We have our own opinions, but we are always willing to discuss with our delegates on our Telegram channel, in order to sort the best outcome out for the protocols’ future.

What is your teams expertise / track record?


Giulio Astarita

CEO & Cofounder

Gianpaolo Eramo


Alberto Marrone


Andrea Torrente


Team Track Record

Staking Team has a team of 4 professionals with a strong background in cryptoeconomics