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Staking Rocks!

Proof of Stake
Trending Reward Option

PoS Validator


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Learn about Staking Rocks!

What is Staking Rocks!?

Staking Rocks! [PHRCK] aims to be the main stake pool representing the Filipino ADA hodlers comunity within the Cardano ecosystem. We are a reliable, low-fee stake pool based in BGC, Manila.

What is your teams expertise / track record?


Nimrod Flores

Co- Founder

Arnel Sumowan

Co- Founder

Team Track Record

Our node servers are managed by a team of IT pros led by Nim who has been wrangling servers since 2012 and has been building web apps and tools since 2014. Our marketing and promotions are led by Arnel who previously launched the Philippines’ first independent, blockchain-based merchant rewards token – the BHC token.

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

Our Cardano stake pool is composed of at least 4 nodes at any given time – each with optimum specs – that are geographically separated for maximum uptime and service reliability. Apart from regular maintenance and security updates, we also rotate our servers geographically around the world from time to time. We are able to do this while based in the Philippines by taking advantage of cloud infrastructures from multiple providers.

For management of keys, we have strict policies and procedures on using only air-gapped machines to handle cold keys for signing transactions for the pool and for updating/rotating the KES keys for the stake pool.

Since Cardano staking doesn’t require ADA holders to send their coins to another address, all delegators/stakers’ funds are safe the entire time they are staked.

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

We participate in protocol governance decisions in the Cardano ecosystem through voting in Catalyst Fund proposals and voting on community-led on-chain proposals.