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Learn about StakeWithUs

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

We promise to always vote in favor of long-term benefit to the protocol. We will vote Abstain on choices that have apparent conflict of interest and No/No w veto on proposals with malicious intents.

Delegators are free to override our votes by voting themselves at

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

Our validation architecture can be found on We also have a detailed article about our setup:

What is StakeWith.Us?

Stakewithus offers yield solutions for crypto asset investors around the world on cryptocurrency assets.

Established in February 2019, Stakewithus Pte Ltd has primarily been providing blockchain infrastructure across leading Proof-of-Stake protocols. The company has secured millions worth in assets under its secure validation infrastructure for both institutional and retail clients via – an inhouse built DeFi platform for self-managed yields.

The team comprises engineers and specialists who are passionate about blockchain technologies.

Stakewithus Pte Ltd is wholly incorporated in Singapore, and is backed by SGinnovate, a Singapore government deep-tech fund, and LuneX Ventures, Golden Gate Ventures’ blockchain fund.

What is your teams expertise / track record?


Mervyn Chng


Michael Ng


Poh Yong Hwang

Infra Lead

Tasuku Nakamura

Smart Contract Lead

Gabrielle Chia

Growth and Marketing Lead

Team Track Record

Established since February 2019, Stakewithus Pte Ltd has been providing secure blockchain infrastructure across leading Proof-of-Stake and DeFi protocols for both retail and institutional clients looking to yield on their crypto assets. The team comprises of engineers and specialists who are passionate about blockchain technologies.

Stakewithus Pte Ltd is wholly incorporated in Singapore, and is backed by SGinnovate, a Singapore government deep-tech fund, and LuneX Ventures, Golden Gate Ventures’ blockchain fund.