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Proof of Stake
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PoS Validator


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StakeLab Reward Options

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Learn about StakeLab

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

Each proposal is reviewed by the team. If the proposition engage strong responsibilities, we expose our vision on social media and try to have the more mature and neutral opinion. We won’t vote in the same way as the foundation if we think it’s biased or if they are asking us to vote the same way as them.

What is your teams expertise / track record?


Adrien Faguet


Diane Bensoussan


Charles Judith


Team Track Record

3 years of operating secure infrastructures for blockchains and staking. Our team is made of experts in their domains from recognized and successful companies such as Ledger, Criteo, WalletConnect, XDEFI…

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

Our infrastructure is distribute on 3 different providers, from different countries. We run our services from secure cluster using Kubernetes. Our monitoring setup help us having a 24/24 and 7/7 view on the whole infrastructure, giving us a 99.9% uptime on our services.

What is StakeLab?

StakeLab was born in 2020 during the Pandemic to gives people ways to access leveraging blockchain and proof of stake technologies. Since it has grown operating on more than 70 networks and always expanding, tens of thousands delegators, and millions USD of staked assets. Every day, thousands of Stakers trust us and grow their assets on a safe tech with plenty staking opportunities and tools.