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Verified Provider

Speedy Staking

Proof of Stake
Trending Reward Option

PoS Validator


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Speedy Staking Reward Options

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Learn about Speedy Staking

What is your teams expertise / track record?


João Diogo Silva

Business Development & Node Maintenance

Jeroen Abel

Project Management & Partnerships

Robin Gjaltema

Server Infrastructure, Automation & Node Onboarding

Team Track Record

João Diogo brings his expertise in running validator nodes for Layer 1 blockchains and has a master’s degree in Economics and Business Management. He has been involved in crypto for several years and is our go-to person for business development and node maintenance.

Joining João Diogo is Jeroen, who has been in the blockchain and crypto industry since 2014. He has a BSc in Business IT & Management and a Master’s in Business Administration. With several years of experience managing teams in IT, Jeroen is leading our Project Management and Partnership efforts.

Completing our team is Robin, who is an expert in DevOps and Cloud Engineering, achieving numerous certifications to complement his skills and knowledge in the field. Robin joined in 2023 to focus on Server Infrastructure, Automation, and Node Onboarding.

Together, we are committed to providing reliable, economical, and secure staking services to our users.

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

Continuous server monitoring & alerting using Prometheus + Grafana and endpoint monitoring & alerting using Monspark.

Our servers are located in data centres with:
– ISO/IEC 27001, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & PCI DSS certification
– 2N infrastructure design
– 100% uptime track record
– 24/7 technical support

What is Speedy Staking?

Speedy Staking provides professional validator services for Proof-of-Stake blockchains. We are dedicated to providing our users with 100% uptime, a competitive commission and the best service possible through value-added services. Because of our dedication to a sustainable world, we actively support Gold Standard projects. These projects help protect the planet from the effects of climate change and improve the lives of people in vulnerable communities. 24/7 support is available in our dedicated Telegram group.

Speedy Staking
Speedy Staking
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