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Shamrock Pool

Proof of Stake
Trending Reward Option

PoS Validator


Shamrock Pool Staking Performance Charts

Track Shamrock Pool staking over time by analyzing key performance metrics.

Performance over Time
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Data Trusted by

Trusted by Industry LeadersTrusted by Industry LeadersTrusted by Industry Leaders

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Shamrock Pool Reward Options

Choose the Best Validator for Your Own Staking Needs.
Earn Juicy Staking Rewards.

Learn about Shamrock Pool

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

Cloud and bare metal setup to utilize the benefits of both!

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

With regards to this pool, governance decisions are handled by the founder.

What is your teams expertise / track record?




Team Track Record

Totally reliable cardano stake pool!

What is Shamrock Pool?

Reliable cardano stake pool operating since last year generating great rewards for stakers.

Shamrock Pool
Shamrock Pool
IE Flag