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PoS Validator


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Learn about Ryabina

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

We are informed and involved in governance of networks. Our main goal is to do our best to help projects we validate to grow and develop.

What is Ryabina?

Ryabina is a validator and blockchain software developer. Launched in 2019, it has extended its activities to various Substrate-based, Cosmos-based and Ethereum-based networks.

Ryabina offers reliable non-custodial staking services, fair rates and continued support to the community.

Ryabina is validator in PoS networks. Ryabina`s uptime is consistently high while fee are low. We also use our own resources for stacking and sure about safety and profitability of our setups.

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

Our infrastructure is physically located in different geographically dispersed data centers. Our high-end servers are interconnected to a secure private network. The main nodes have no direct connection to the big Internet. Security is enhanced by using ssh, configured firewalls, encrypted virtual networks and regular software updates. The operation of servers, nodes and services is monitored and logged at a single point, which ensures fast localization and fixing of possible problems.

What is your teams expertise / track record?

Team Track Record

Ryabina is not just commercial project, it is a team of friends with long history in crypto sphere. We are experts in managing large scale infrastructures for p2p networks and highload web services.
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