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Proof of Stake
Trending Reward Option

PoS Validator


PureStake Staking Performance Charts

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Learn about PureStake

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

The PureStake platform is an automated foundation specifically designed for proof of stake blockchain networks. It drives the setup and configuration of network, security, compute, storage and blockchain application infrastructure into the points of presence on our network. We employ a multi-cloud strategy across AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. PureStake’s infrastructure includes DDoS protection, firewalls, IDS, HA load balancers, Validator isolation, daily vulnerability scanning, and secure secrets management. We manage change, incidents, alerts, security events, log events and other operational details using a mature and secure set of operational processes conforming to the ISO27K standard.

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

We are active participants in the networks we work with. This includes participating in on-chain voting and governance, attending physical and virtual governance discussions, educating our customers on protocol changes, and more.

What is PureStake?

PureStake is focused on providing blockchain infrastructure, API, and validator services for Proof of Stake networks.

Our services are as secure as possible, with the highest levels of uptime and performance. We are relentlessly dedicated to providing safe, stable infrastructure and services.

Today, we are trusted by customers all across the blockchain — including early backers, developers, enterprises, and other participants that need to interact with crypto networks but don’t have either the time or the expertise — to launch and manage the infrastructure they need to run their technology.

What is your teams expertise / track record?


Derek Yoo


Stefan Mehlhorn


Oskar Krig

Infrastructure Architect

Joe Rhodes


Francisco Gamundí

Software Engineer

Mitchell Grimes


Nate H.

Business Development

Brent Clagg


Katie Lyon


Telmo González Michelena

Senior Software Engineer

Team Track Record

The PureStake team has extensive experience building highly available, highly secure global infrastructure for some of the world’s fastest-growing technology companies. We’ve managed everything from data centers, to networks, to as-a-service platforms for companies with some of the strictest security and availability requirements. Collectively, our team has had a role in forging industry-leading DevOps and security practices for major cloud services platforms, mobile payments platforms, and API-as-a-service applications around the world.