RU Flag


Proof of Stake
Trending Reward Option

PoS Validator


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Learn about ONLY1

What is ONLY1?

ONLY1 is one of the first validators in Minter since the launch of testnet of the blockchain. We’ve been carefully studying Minter before and after its launch. At this point our specialists offer their help to young validators to install and configure their servers properly and have the best protection from slashing available.

What is your teams expertise / track record?


Alexey Kanev


Team Track Record

10+ years in IT infrastructure development for small and medium businesses. Virtual and physical servers, firewalls and other communication devices administration and support: Linux and Windows servers, IP PBX, web and VM hosting, mail servers, 1C:Enterprise servers and ect.

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

1 validator with 9 sentry nodes located in 3 different data-centers in 3 different countries. Plus several VPS with monitoring and anti-slashing protection.

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

We’re always in touch with the Minter team and all other validators. Thus, when there is an update discussed or some patches have to be applied, we vote from the point of blockchain stability and the safety of our delegators’ stakes. We’re swimming in one boat and everybody should be comfortable in it.