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moon lime

Proof of Stake
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PoS Validator


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Learn about moon lime

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

We are actively participating in governance on all supported networks.

What is your teams expertise / track record?

Team Track Record

We are a team of two blockchain enthusiasts who have been exploring the space since 2017 and believe in the future of proof-of-stake systems.

In 2019, we started validating on various testnet networks including Regen Network, Coda Protocol, Althea, Mictotick, Edgeware and Polkadot.

In November 2019, we launched our first mainnet validator for Kava.

In 2020, we started validating on Centrifuge, Kusama and Celo.

We find inspiration in fellow independent validators like @cjremus and others and believe that smaller validators should have more power and wider participation in POS systems.

We work hard every day to learn, become better in what we do, and be a valuable part of the validator community.

We run our mainnet validators on secure infrastructure that includes bare metal servers to ensure low latency and high uptime and sentry-node architecture to prevent DDoS attacks. We employ various monitoring and alerting tools to stay up-to-date with the status of our nodes and react quickly if anything goes wrong.

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

Bare Metal servers across Europe, Lynis score of 90+

What is moon lime?

We are a small team of two people that started our independent validation venture in 2019. We pride ourselves on supporting the projects that have value for people and real-world use cases.