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MEV Protocol

Liquid Staking
Trending Reward Option

PoS Validator


MEV Protocol Staking Performance Charts

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MEV Protocol Reward Options

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Learn about MEV Protocol

What is MEV Protocol?

MEV Protocol is the family of products built around the Ethereum Liquid Staking Token mevETH. Its main focus is to help decentralize Ethereum, and offer additional staking rewards to users through capturing MEV opportunities throughout its vertically integrated stack.

What is your teams expertise / track record?



Project Lead

Sam Bacha

Chief Architect

Sandy Bradley

Protocol Engineer

Jeremy Yang

Protocol Engineer

Patrick Aljord

Protocol Engineer

Mechanism Design

Team Track Record

A highly experienced and diverse team, including experts from Manifold Finance, C.R.E.A.M. Finance, and 20squares, is set to significantly enhance Ethereum's framework. This team specializes in compositional mechanism design and will focus on developing and ensuring the reliability and robustness of the economic mechanisms critical to the protocol's operation.

MEV Protocol
MEV Protocol
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