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Learn about MANTRA

What is your teams expertise / track record?


John Patrick Mullin


Will Corkin


Rodrigo Quan Miranda


Jayant Ramanand

Operations Lead

Kate Kim

BD and Operations Manager

Martin Halford

Head of Technology

Team Track Record

The MANTRA team is composed of seasoned entrepreneurs and professionals — hailing from different countries, industries, and backgrounds —coming together with the single goal of bringing DeFi services to every corner of the globe. Our founders have been in the crypto industry since 2016 and have invested in various companies in these numerous years. MANTRA DAO was co-founded in May 2020.

John Patrick Mullin (co-founder) looks after the company’s operations, strategy and financials.
Will Corkin (co-founder) mainly focuses on marketing initiatives, platform UI/UX and business development.
Rodrigo Quan Miranda (co-founder) focuses closely on the company’s and the DAO’s strategy, product development & tech operations.

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

As a DeFi platform, we consider being involved in governance decisions as high priority. Determining our goals and objectives, we consider every aspect of decision making from our company and delegator community’s perspective. After careful evaluation internally, knowing the positives and the risks, we act accordingly with respect to verification of code in case of parametric changes.


MANTRA is one crypto ecosystem, with multiple stacks and an endless capacity to stay close to everyone involved, from beginner stakers to pioneering investors. Launched in 2020, MANTRA has quickly staked a claim as the fastest growing network in the crypto space. MANTRA carries a reputation for an open and honest approach to crypto trading, fund building and innovation. This is the MANTRA spirit.

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

MANTRA nodes are geographically distributed and run on a combination of cloud and bare metal. Our bare metal dedicated OVH machine is in Strasbourg, France, and is only accessible by using PKI via VPN. Our sentry nodes are spread across western US, Europe and Oceania, currently primarily on AWS. Operating on the principle of least privilege, keys are secure and mostly offline VM w/ hot wallet containing validator operator keys for maintenance transactions.
– Firewall active and ports restricted in accordance with the Principle of Least Privilege.
– Wallet exists on a securely-encrypted normally offline self-hosted virtual machine.
– Current Validators: OVH, bare metal / dedicated, binaries compiled via CI/CD and deployed directly to the OS.