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Learn about Launchnodes

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

AWS, GCP, Azure, bare metal

What is your teams expertise / track record?


Jaydeep Korde


Peter Patsalides


Rajesh Sinha


Yash Bhavsar


Team Track Record

The Launchnodes team have built useful working software and put it into production in the UK and globally for governments, banks, and global corporates for the past 20 years at Thoughtworks, Goldman Sachs, Accenture, and for the British government to name just a few of the organizations our team has worked for. 

The team has been early investors in BTC and Ethereum and active members of the development community.

Launchnodes is passionate about widening participation in staking from as many different organizations as possible to explore the different business models that can emerge based on public blockchains.

What is Launchnodes?

Stake for yourself, or for your clients, easily and securely on AWS, GCP, Azure, or bare metal.

We help you to stake your assets and maximize your returns by providing solo staking nodes, business assessments, and infrastructure setup services.

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

The Launchnodes team decides how it wishes to vote in any given situation, and then feeds in its views to each protocol.