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Verified Provider

Frens (🀝,🀝)

Proof of Stake
Trending Reward Option

PoS Validator


Frens (🀝,🀝) Staking Performance Charts

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Frens (🀝,🀝) Reward Options

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Learn about Frens (🀝,🀝)

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

The Frens tech team has years of professional experience in developing and scaling applications and infrastructure handling sensitive data.

Frens servers are physically distributed around the globe. Through 2FA and remote signing, they’re immune to hacking.

Frens is always within the top-performing validators on all cosmos chains with their security, reliability, and performance-optimized setup.

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

We take our delegator’s opinion seriously. That’s why we ask our community for their opinion on controversial governance proposals before voting. This could be in the form of Twitter polls or directly engaging with them in our Telegram group to get a feeling of the sentiment.

What is your teams expertise / track record?






Team Track Record

We are a team of builders, entrepreneurs, and marketing professionals. With us, you are staking with Frens.

What is Frens?

Frens Validator is an infrastructure company for Proof-of-Stake blockchains – primarily Cosmos. Besides running nodes and securing blockchains, we provide an education platform for our stakers to get started in web3 and Cosmos.

Frens (🀝,🀝)
Frens (🀝,🀝)
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