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Fantom Validator

Proof of Stake
Trending Reward Option

PoS Validator


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Learn about Fantom Validator

What is Fantom Validator?

Secure staking and delegation for the Fantom community. Join us to help secure Fantom based networks and earn rewards. We provide a secure and highly available validator infrastructure for the Fantom and XAR networks.

What is your teams expertise / track record?


Kamil Goliszewski


Team Track Record

In crypto since 2015. More then 4 years exp. in creating architecture for blockchain infrastructure for banking sector.

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

We operate validator and private key management infrastructure on owned hardware located.

Physical infrastructure is combined with a network of public and private sentry nodes.

We limit public internet connectivity to our physical validator nodes.

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

Through our community and delegators platform – through open discussion with our delegators

Fantom Validator
Fantom Validator
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