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PoS Validator


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Learn about DSRV

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

In Terra, either delegators and validators are eligible to vote. If both vote, a delegator takes preference over a validator. We inform our delegators (whose contact we know) of new votes and their implications.

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

We operate securely with a solid infrastructure for blockchain networks. We deploy nodes on multiple top-tier cloud providers and multiple regions. DSRV utilizes firewalls, VPN, and public/private sentry nodes for network security. We simulate software updates or contingency situations toward zero downtime. Our monitoring and automatic recovery system protect clients’ assets against the slashing penalty.

What is DSRV?

DSRV is a South Korea based validator and Proof-of-Stake infrastructure provider with a focus on security, decentralization, and community for early-stage blockchains.

What is your teams expertise / track record?


Jiyun Kim


Jeongho Jeon


Jongkwang Kim


Hyung-Kyu Choi


Hyugbin Kwon


Team Track Record

We are a team of former Samsung engineers and exchange (Huobi) operators who are passionate about DLT and programmable money. Each of us is an active contributor to the Korean blockchain community and works closely with other blockchain institutions.

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