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Degen Power πŸ”₯

Proof of Stake
Trending Reward Option

PoS Validator


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Learn about Degen Power πŸ”₯

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

We have in place several reliable servers (multiple sentries) in various datacenters around the world with proper backups in place in order to provide redundancy and safety.

What is Degen Power?

We are Switcheo investors, well-known community members located in Europe & Latin America, founders of the official Switcheo discord server.

50% of all our validator earnings donated to the Switcheo Community fund to grow various activities, community & overall ecosystem.

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

We talk to our known delegators, supporters, share information on all our channels, sometimes discuss important proposals with other community-run validators, collect as much information as possible, decide and vote.

What is your teams expertise / track record?






Team Track Record

Our team is a mixture of specialists from different fields which is the key to run successful operations/projects. We have 15+ years of experience in computer science/IT (incl. professional engineering skills in OS, networks, databases, software development), marketing, PR, trading, project management. We even have a teammate with a diplomatic rank & experience in managing Olympic torch relay =).

Degen Power πŸ”₯
Degen Power πŸ”₯