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Consensus Networks

Proof of Stake
Trending Reward Option

PoS Validator


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Learn about Consensus Networks

What is Consensus Networks?

Consensus Networks designs, builds, and supports infrastructure for blockchain technology.

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

Main Validator Nodes deployed in tier 4 data centers in two geographically distinct locations. Key management performed through use of Hardware Security Modules. Sentry nodes deployed on the cloud.

What is your teams expertise / track record?


Nate Miller


Connor R Smith


Thomas Veale


Shane M. Fimbel


Team Track Record

Our team has a strong background in data center deployment and management. We’ve also been awarded a federal grant for our work in healthcare and blockchain. We’re still getting established in staking and are working to provide secure, reliable infrastructure for our partners and stakers.

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

We generally view things from the technical angle and evaluate key decisions through objective metrics and goals. We put our effort and votes towards areas where we think the greatest technical potential will be.

Consensus Networks
Consensus Networks
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