Horizen Staking

Horizen (ZEN) staking data is not available on Staking Rewards. You can still convert token prices, estimate your rewards and explore reward options for similar proof-of-stake assets.

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Horizen ZEN
⚠️ This is not the actual reward rate for ZEN Staking. This is simply an estimation based on the industry average reward rate of %
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*The industry average reward rate is %

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Learn about Horizen Staking

What are Secure Nodes?

The secure node system relays data via connecting nodes and deliver it by the core protocol.

They enforce strict privacy requirements and encrypt network data.

The core protocol also delivers secure messages using the ZenChat service.

What are Super Nodes?

While Miners create new block and validate transactions, Super Nodes maintain the logic migration from off-server clusters to sidechains,

which have better computation and storage.

Super Nodes will support multiple applications like ZenGrid, ZenXchange and others.

What is Horizen (ZEN)?

Horizen is an inclusive ecosystem where everyone is empowered and rewarded for their contributions. Horizen’s massively scalable platform enables businesses and developers to quickly and affordably create their own public or private blockchains utilizing the largest node network in the industry. Horizen’s Sidechain SDK provides all necessary components for easy and fast deployment of a fully customizable blockchain.

Horizen’s native cryptocurrency, ZEN, is a mineable PoW coin currently trading on exchanges including Bittrex, Binance, and Changelly. ZEN is integrated on major wallets including Horizen’s flagship app, Sphere by Horizen, a multifunctional wallet that serves as an interface with most Horizen products and services.

How to stake Horizen (ZEN)?

For staking Horizen you can decide to run one or multiple Secure or Super Nodes on the Horizen Network.

How was Horizen launched?

Launched on the 30th May 2017, Horizen (formerly Zencash) is a chainsplit of Zclassic.

All holders of Zclassic coins before block 110,000 were awarded ZenCash coins through an airdrop in a 1:1 ratio.

What is the 24h Trading Volume of Horizen (ZEN)?

Over the past 24 hours, Horizen (ZEN) has seen a trading volume of across all available exchanges.

How has the price of ZEN changed over the past 24h?

The price of Horizen (ZEN) is currently , which represents a - decrease over the past 24 hours.
Horizen is a massively scalable general-purpose blockchain system
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