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What is cheqd Staking?

CHEQD staking is the process of delegating your tokens to validators on the Cheqd blockchain, to help secure the network and participate in governance. By staking your CHEQD you can expect to earn - in rewards.

CHEQ Staking Performance Charts

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Stake CHEQ with a Verified Provider

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Analyze CHEQ Staking Data

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Calculate Your CHEQ Staking Rewards

Examine the long-term compounding effect of staking - per asset, provider, staking amount and price scenario.

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Step #1

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Step #2

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Run Your Own CHEQ Validator

Running a Validator is a great way to support the network and contribute to the security of the network. It requires a local set up in your home. Running a Validator is a great way to foster decentralization. You can run a validator either at home on your own server, or set it up remotely in the cloud.
Reward Rate

100 CHEQ

The minimum required to run a validator and receive rewards can change over time and may be influenced by the network's active set size and overall participation rate, with adjustments reflecting shifts in network dynamics and participation trends, requiring validators to stay informed on current conditions.

Lockup Time
14 days

When initiating a stake, there can be a starting period before the stake becomes active, followed by a waiting period upon withdrawal. The length of these periods can vary, reflecting the network's unique processing times. As a result, the actual time your assets are locked may differ based on operational procedures and current network status.

Learn about cheqd Staking

What is the cheqd mission?

cheqd aims to be the transactional layer for authentic data. Trust between users of the network is established by incentivizing all members of the network which also helps to bootstrap the adoption of self-sovereign identities for users. This enables users to be in control of their data while

How do cheqd payment systems work?

The transaction above shows how a credential would flow from an issuer to a receiver through the use of a holder. By structuring payment rails as shown above

  1. Issuer gets paid for credential
  2. Receiver gets credential
  3. The holder acts as a middle man for data transfer making sure 1 & 2 occur
  4. cheqd network takes fees from all transactions, benefitting the network operators
  5. The holder can aggregate transactions between Org1 and Org 2 which reduces transaction costs

Where can you stake cheqd?

You can stake the $CHEQ token in a few simple steps
1. Swap $ATOM For $CHEQ on osmosis

2. Head over to Omniflix

3. PIck a validator and stake your $CHEQ, making sure to leave a small amount for fees

What is cheqd?

cheqd is a market-leading technology company enabling individuals and organisations to take full control of their data. It provides payment rails, customisable commercial models and governance structures for trusted data, including self-sovereign identity (SSI). Based on blockchain technology, cheqd is built upon a public permissionless network with a dedicated token – $CHEQ.

How are the cheqd tokens distributed?

cheqd's tokenomics for SSI explained: part 2

cheqd is a market-leading technology company enabling individuals and organisations to take full control of their data. It provides payment rails, customisable commercial models and governance structures for trusted data (information, which source can be proven), including self-sovereign identity (SSI). Based on blockchain technology, cheqd is built...Read more

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