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Learn about Viction Staking

How to stake TomoChain?

Staking TOMO can easily be done within the official wallet.

How much can i earn staking TomoChain?

6-8%/year for stakers. Check our Staking Calculator for your individual reward rate.

What are the requirements to stake TomoChain?

Download TomoWallet or crypto wallets supporting TomoChain mainnet. Have at least 100 TOMO to start staking.

What is TomoChain?

TomoChain is a scalable public blockchain built on a performance layer that achieves high transaction speeds without compromising decentralization. TomoChain uses an innovative consensus method called PoSV (Proof of Stake Voting) which gives an incentive to all TomoChain token-holders to play an active part in staking across a network of 150 high-quality Masternodes, and to monitor their performance and governance actively.
The TomoChain blockchain and its product ecosystem allow entrepreneurs, enterprises, and institutions to build high-performance, feature-rich blockchain projects on an enhanced EVM-compatible platform. An array of original features and protocols is designed to support users’ speed, privacy, usability, and liquidity needs all in one platform.

Is there any risk to stake TomoChain?

As you long you protect your private keys, there is no risk. Staking with TomoChain is absolutely safe because your voted tokens will be locked in the smart contract that only you can unvote and withdraw them to your TOMO address.

How was TomoChain launched?

TomoChain has its own blockchain since TomoChain Mainnet was launched in December 14th, 2018.

Who is the team behind TomoChain?

Mr. Long Vuong is CEO and founder of TomoChain, a scalable blockchain powered via Proof-of-Stake Voting consensus and used commercially by companies globally. Prior, Long Vuong was co-founder and the former project lead of the very successful NEM blockchain (New Economy Movement) in 2014.
As a blockchain guru and economics expert, Long has advised for a number of blockchain projects all around the world and contributed to affirm this technology value by developing practical products. He ís a notable speaker in many prestigious events across nations and a full-time blockchain evangelist.
Long is a Ph.D candidate in economics, Massachusetts, U.S.
