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What is Stafi Protocol Staking?

In the StaFi network, native staking is called nomination, which refers to staking your token to validators. It has the same meaning as the staking action in other PoS projects. A nominator can simultaneously nominate several validators by pledging a certain amount of FIS tokens. The current reward rate for staking on StaFi is -.

FIS Staking Performance Charts

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Stafi Protocol

Stafi Protocol

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Calculate Your FIS Staking Rewards

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Stafi Protocol
Stafi ProtocolFIS
Stafi Protocol is a decentralized finance project built on the Polkadot ecosystem that focuses on providing liquidity solutions for staked assets. Stafi aims to solve the liquidity problem faced by users who stake their assets on various blockchain networks by allowing them to tokenize their staked assets and trade them on secondary markets. Stafi utilizes...Read more