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What is Regen Network Staking?

Staking on Regen Network is the process of delegating your REGEN tokens to a validator, to help maintain the security of the network. By staking, you are rewarded with additional REGEN tokens. The current reward rate on the network is -.

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Learn about Regen Network Staking

How much can I earn Staking REGEN?

You can view the live staking APR for REGEN at the top of this page.

View the Staking Rewards Regen Calculator to estimate your Staking Returns!

Any risks to Staking REGEN?

There are no considerable risks to staking REGEN. Please take note of the 21 day lockup period when staking.

What is Regen Network?

Regen Network realigns the agricultural economy with ecological health by creating the global marketplace for planetary stewardship. Using a distributed ledger and modern remote sensing technology, our team is creating new tools for how humanity relates to its environment.

Why does REGEN need a blockchain?

Regen Ledger provides the project three key elements, without which Regen Network’s promise to create a network dedicated to monitoring, verifying and contracting or paying for ecological health outcomes would be impossible.

Data Verification. Data provenance and quality can be tracked and verified.

Payments. Using a blockchain allows Regen Network to facilitate direct payment for ecosystem services, as well as issuing trading & retiring of a whole new class of financial assets tied to ecological health, Ecosystem Service Credits.

Smart Contracts. Smart contracts allow for automation of the issuing of ecosystem service credits, or direct payment for ecosystem services, based on verifiable changes in ecological health.

How was Regen Network launched?

Mainnet Launch – Release date: April 15, 2021

The Mainnet launch of Regen Network unlocked the next phase of feature developments for planetary regeneration.

Initially this means:

  • REGEN token will be live on-chain (with transfers disabled initially)
  • Staking on Regen Ledger will be possible for all token holders
  • On-chain governance activated for planning future upgrades and milestones
  • 2M REGEN tokens allocated at genesis to the Community Pool for governance spending

Who is the Team behind Regen Network

Some of the core team members of Regen Network are as follows:

Gregory Landua – Founder

Christian Shearer – Chief Investment Officer at Regen Network

Will Szal – President Of The Board Of Directors at Regen Network

What is the token utility of REGEN?

REGEN is the native governance token of Regen Network. Assuming the token holders stake their tokens, the token allows one to participate in the governance of the chain, receive block rewards and receive their share of the inflation mechanism. As the native token for Regen Ledger, REGEN must be used to pay for transaction costs on-chain, commonly referred to as gas, which is required to transfer REGEN. Future utility of the token is connected to the issuance, governance, curation, auditing and exchange for eco-credits.

Regen Network
Regen NetworkREGEN
Regen Network is a blockchain that aligns economics with ecology to drive regenerative land management