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What is Radix Staking?

Radix staking is the process of delegating your RDX tokens to contribute to the security of the network. By staking, you can earn rewards and partake in on-chain governance by voting on new proposals. The reward rate for staking on the Radix network is currently -.

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Learn about Radix Staking

How to stake XRD?

Anybody may stake XRD (also called “delegation of stake”) at any time, to any number of validators of their choice. Staking XRD is done via a special type of transaction, and we’ve made this easy to do with just a few clicks in the Radix Desktop Wallet app (instructions below). The current list of validators to choose from can be found on the Radix Explorer website.

To avoid issues with spamming a large number of small stakes, a minimum amount of 90 XRD per stake transaction is required – a small amount we expect will not pose a barrier to anyone who wishes to stake.

Choosing which validator nodes to stake your XRD to has important implications for both your own rewards and the security and performance of the network. Staking to a low-performance node may lead to reduced or no emissions rewards, for example.

How to choose the right Radix Validator?

When choosing a validator to delegate your XRD tokens, make sure to look at the commission rate which has a direct impact on your rewards being paid out. Low Commission = High Rewards.

However please note that commission rates are the bread and butter for many validators. They rely on it to maintain reliable operations.

Furthermore, it is important to make sure that the selected validator is able to maintain a solid close to 100% uptime for their services.

You may want to consider delegating to smaller validators in order to further decentralize the network. This does not only support the network resilience, but also the value of your XRD investment long-term.

Also consider validators that are long-term committed to providing value to Radix by supporting the platforms app development, tooling, and educational materials.

Is there any risk to staking XRD?

There is no significant risk when delegating XRD.

Please consider that there is a risk of slashing up to 100% of your funds, in case that the validator you delegated to, signs illegal transactions or votes for illegal forks. However if the validator and your funds get slashed would be decided case by case based on an on-chain governance vote.

If you choose a reliable validator, the risk of slashing should be close to 0.

Additionally, please consider that there is a 500 epochs unbonding period before you can access your delegated funds and transfer them.

What is Radix?

Radix is a layer-one protocol specifically built for DeFi purposes. Radix promises to be the “layer 1 DeFi done right” since it allegedly will prevent the ever-present danger of exploits and hacks without compromising scalability. It employs a new consensus mechanism called Cerberus, which is supposed to deliver the performance needed to fulfill its ambitious goal of creating a new, decentralized global financial system.

You can learn more on the Radix Website.

Who are the Founders of Radix?

Radix was founded by the current CTO Dan Hughes, an expert in distributed ledger technologies that had been experimenting with Bitcoin back in 2011 and started working on scaling solutions in 2013. Hughes initially experimented with several scaling solutions like DAG and Channel Asynchronous State Trees and eventually decided to work with a data structure called Tempo for Radix.

Working alongside him is CEO Piers Ridyard, an experienced founder and executive with a history of working in the blockchain, crypto, and financial services industries. The leadership team also comprises of Russell Harvey, a former Microsoft and Kaiser Permanente executive, and Adam Simmons, a digital marketing expert that worked for Verasity.

When was Radix launched?

Radix was launched in 2017 by the current CTO Dan Hughes.

Radix is an open, interconnected platform where the full range of powerful DeFi applications will be built securely and safely. The network's token XRD is required for securing the chain via staking, accessing DeFi, deploying smart contracts and paying for transactions

From the Staking Rewards Journal

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