PIVX Staking
PIVX (PIVX) staking data is not available on Staking Rewards. You can still convert token prices, estimate your rewards and explore reward options for similar proof-of-stake assets.
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Learn about PIVX Staking
How to stake Pivx?
To stake PIVX coins it is recommended to run the official Pivx Core wallet with an entire copy of the blockchain on your Computer or a Virtual Private Server (VPS).
Inside the wallet you can decide to stake your PIVX coins, your zerocoins or run a masternode.
To get the highest possible rewards, please make sure to stay online 24/7 and keep the wallet unlocked for staking only.
Who receives the Daily Network Rewards?
No one. All Transaction Fees as well as the zPIV minting fees are burnt immediately.
What is Pivx?
PIVX stands for Private Instant Verified Transaction.
The currencies main focus lies on privacy through the Zerocoin Protocol, instant verified transactions through masternodes.
How is the Block Reward distributed?
5 PIV are shared between Masternodes & Stakers.
The individual reward depends on, if the node, who creates the new block, is staking PIV or staking zPIV.
If a PIV staker finds a block: 3 PIV to masternodes, 2 PIV to staker
If a zPIV staker finds a block: 2 PIV to masternodes, 3 zPIV to staker
How was Pivx launched?
PIVX was launched on the 31th January 2016 initially called Darknet.
The codebase was forked from Dash and 60,000 coins were premined to run 6 initial masternodes.
The premined coins have been destroyed later in July 2016 when it fully switched to the Proof of Stake consensus mechanism.
Which network metrics do the rewards depend on?
The individual BitBay rewards depends on the Block Reward, Block Time and Total Staked.
Every block one staker is randomly selected whereas 1 staked coin counts as one “lottery ticket”. The selected staker has the right to create a new block and broadcast it to the network. He then receives the block reward and the fees of all transactions successfully included in this block.
In our Staking Calculator you can play with the above mentioned metrics to understand the dynamics and create all kinds of reward scenarios.
Is there a risk to stake Pivx?
Staking PIVX is safe as long you protect your private keys. There is no risk of slashing.
Who is the team behind Pivx?
PIVX is organized in a decentralized manner and everybody is welcome to contribute.
The core contributors shown on their website include 20 people with a wide variety of expertise.
What is the 24h Trading Volume of PIVX (PIVX)?
How has the price of PIVX changed over the past 24h?