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What is Orbs Staking?

Orbs staking is the act of delegating your ORBS to a guardian to support the consensus process of the Orbs network. In exchange for staking, you accrue rewards as a compound interest on your current staked amount of ORBS. The reward rate for staking ORBS is -.

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Run Your Own ORBS Validator

Running a Validator is a great way to support the network and contribute to the security of the network. It requires a local set up in your home. Running a Validator is a great way to foster decentralization. You can run a validator either at home on your own server, or set it up remotely in the cloud.
Reward Rate

The Orbs reward rate is determined by combining the annual staking rate with the impact of the bootstrap fund, adjusted for market dynamics. Firstly, the annual staking rate is divided by 100. Then, the bootstrap fund's value in DAI is calculated by multiplying it with the current DAI price and dividing by the ORBS price. This figure is further divided by the ratio of the user's self-staked balance to the total balance staked by all validators. The result represents the expected annual return rate for staking ORBS, providing a comprehensive view of potential earnings in the network.


Guardians need to have a self-stake that is 3% of their total delegated stake.

Lockup Time
14 days

When you stake your ORBS token, they will be set to a locked state for 2 weeks (14 days)

Learn about Orbs Staking

How to stake Orbs (ORBS)?

There are several ways to earn a return on your ORBS, including lending them out to custodial providers or through decentralized lending protocols, running your own validator, or delegating your tokens to validators of your choosing.

For the best security and control over your funds, we recommend using a Ledger Hardware Wallet. To delegate your tokens, you should ensure they are stored on your Ledger or another compatible wallet such as Metamask Wallet, and then follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to and connect your wallet.

Step 2: Click ‘Stake your tokens’ and enter the amount you want to stake

Step 3: Click ‘Approve’ and choose the ETH fee for broadcasting the transaction in the MetaMask window, followed by ‘Save’.

Step 4: Click ‘Stake’ and ‘Confirm’ to finalize the transaction.

Step 5: Once confirmed to your satisfaction, proceed to select a Guardian for staking. NOTE: If you are a returning user who already staked before, you will see a ‘Keep’ option here as well.

Step 6: Scroll down and Select your Guardian. Once you ‘Select’, click on the gas fee in the browser pop-up window and wait patiently for MetaMask to do its thing.

Note: Neither the gas fee nor the speed of transaction are connected to the Orbs Network; these depend on activity on the Ethereum blockchain.

How much can I earn running a Guardian Node?

Orbs PoS V3 adjusts the staking rewards to a fixed 10% APR of the Delegators staked ORBS tokens.

Depending on each Guardian’s setting, staking rewards are split between the Guardian and his Delegator. Currently, all Guardians have chosen the default setting (⅓ for guardian, ⅔ for Delegator) making the final reward rate for delegators is 6.67% and 10% for guardians.

What are the risks of staking ORBS?

We strive to make staking as safe and transparent as possible, however, it’s important to consider factors that may influence whether a particular staking option is appropriate for you.

  • Slashing risk: There is no active slashing on Orbs network. Guardians who do not fulfill their duties can be voted out of the committee by other Guardians
  • Unbonding risk: Crypto markets are highly volatile, and investors need to be aware that they cannot sell their tokens immediately once they have staked them. The cool-down period for unstaking ORBS is 14 days. Please take note of this lockup period before you decide to stake. Consider keeping funds liquid if you do not intend to hold SOL long-term. 
  • Protocol security risks: There is an inherent risk that the protocol could contain unknown bugs. This not only applies to staking but your ORBS investment in general.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of all the risks related to staking.

What is the Orbs network (ORBS)?

ORBS is the native token of the Orbs network that is used to carry out the key functions of the platform as detailed below:

Token Utilities

  • Staking: Users can temporarily lock ORBS up to contribute to the security of the Orbs Network.
  • Gas token: ORBS is used for transaction fees.

What are Guardian Nodes and what are their requirements?

Orbs Guardians represent the Orbs community; they maintain the security of the network and uphold its long-term vision. As the most significant stakeholders in the network, they are most suitable to provide enterprise business applications the required security and availability.

Guardians are expected to build a community of Delegators that trust them to truthfully represent their and the network’s interests.

For instructions use this link.

What is the Tetra Wallet?

In order to participate in the Orbs PoS universe, token holders are required to stake their tokens and select a Guardian to delegate their voting power to. In order to simplify the interaction with the staking contract, the Orbs team developed the Tetra wallet, with a simple and convenient interface. The Tetra staking wallet allows you to stake your tokens and select a Guardian to delegate to.

For the release of Orbs V3 Tetra has been updated to enable staking on Polygon with a simple and intuitive UI to switch between the Ethereum and Polygon networks.

How much can I earn Delegating Orbs?

Token holders that delegate to an active Guardian are rewarded in proportion to their stake.

The annual reward is up to 6.66% of the Delegator’s staked tokens.

Only delegations to an active Guardian that participates in the elected committee receive rewards.

How much can I earn running a Guardian Node?

Orbs PoS V3 adjusts the staking rewards to a fixed 10% APR of the Delegators staked ORBS tokens.

Depending on each Guardian’s setting, staking rewards are split between the Guardian and his Delegator. Currently, all Guardians have chosen the default setting (⅓ for guardian, ⅔ for Delegator) making the final reward rate for delegators is 6.67% and 10% for guardians.

What is the Orbs Network?

The Orbs Network is an open, decentralized and public blockchain infrastructure executed by a secure network of permissionless validators using Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus.

Orbs is set up as a separate decentralized execution layer operating between existing L1/L2 solutions and the application layer, as part of a tiered blockchain stack, without moving liquidity onto a new chain. Orbs acts as a “decentralized backend”, enhancing the capabilities of existing smart contracts and opening up a whole new spectrum of possibilities for Web 3.0, DeFi, NFTs and GameFi.

What is Orbs PoS V3: Multichain staking?

Orbs PoS V3: Multi-chain staking, utilizes Orbs hybrid architecture and cross-chain properties to deploy a novel multi-chain PoS staking on Ethereum and Polygon.

Adding Orbs PoS staking on Polygon means that the Orbs network utilizes the Ethereum stack to its fullest potential: The security of Ethereum as the base layer, and the scalability & low fees of Polygon as L2.

Orbs Delegators have the ability to choose between staking on Ethereum and staking on Polygon, based on their own personal preferences and considerations. In this way, Orbs PoS V3 addresses one of the key feedbacks from the community and is expected to mitigate the current high Ethereum gas costs for Orbs delegators interacting with the Orbs staking contracts.

What are Guardian Nodes and what are their requirements?

Orbs Guardians represent the Orbs community; they maintain the security of the network and uphold its long-term vision. As the most significant stakeholders in the network, they are most suitable to provide enterprise business applications the required security and availability.

Guardians are expected to build a community of Delegators that trust them to truthfully represent their and the network’s interests.

For instructions use this link.

What are the tokenomics of ORBS?

Orbs has a maximum total supply of 10 billion tokens. The token is pre-mined and has a fixed supply. Orbs avoids creating inflation in the supply of tokens, a technique used in some token economies, as this method implies that the token holders subsidize the applications’ activity on the network. Instead, Orbs is designed to operate in the long term in a sustainable fashion relying only on operation fees.

Initial Distribution Breakdown 

This document explains the use of the ORBS token, the total supply, and distribution pools. The initial distribution of Orbs (ORBS) tokens is as follows:

  • 55% is allocated to Pool 1 (Long Term Reserves)
  • 20% is allocated to Pool 2 (Private Sale)
  • 20% is allocated to Pool 3 (Team and Founding Partners)
  • 5% is allocated to Pool 4( Advisors)
Orbs is Orbs is a PoS Layer 3 blockchain enhancing the capabilities of EVM Smart Contracts