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Learn about NXT Staking

Which network metrics do the rewards depend on?

The individual reward depends on the Daily Network Rewards (Transaction Fees spent in the NXT Network per Day) and the Total Staked %. 

Every block one staker is randomly selected whereas 1 coin counts as one “lottery ticket”. The selected staker has the right to forge a new block and broadcast it to the network. He then receives the fees of all transactions successfully included in this block.

In our Staking Calculator you can play with the above mentioned metrics to understand the dynamics and create all kinds of reward scenarios.

How to stake NXT independently?

To stake NXT coins it is recommended to run the official NXT client with an entire copy of the blockchain on your Computer, a Raspberry Pi or a Virtual Private Server (VPS).

To get the highest possible rewards, please make sure to stay online 24/7 and keep the wallet unlocked for staking only.

How was NXT launched?

Nxt started in 2013 and was one of the very first ICOs ever to launch a cryptocurrency. Although the initial ICO only raised $6,000 in donations, the Nxt founders have stuck with the project. Nxt was among the first projects to code a new blockchain from scratch, not borrowing any code from Bitcoin. Its open source code is written in Java, and it was also the first blockchain to fully implement proof of stake.

Is there a risk to stake NXT?

Staking NXT is safe as long you protect your private keys. There is no risk of slashing.

While delegating NXT you keep the coins and private keys in your own wallet.

How to delegate NXT?

Delegating NXT to a Staking Pool can be done inside the official NXT client. It is not required to stay online. You have to define a delegation timeframe in the transaction and thereby refresh the delegation once the duration is expired.

What is NXT?

Nxt is an advanced open source blockchain platform that builds on the functionality of the first wave of pioneering cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. The Nxt platform includes many core-level features, such as a Decentralized Asset Exchange, Marketplace, and Voting system, all in additional to the NXT digital currency itself.

Who is the team behind NXT?

Nxt is managed and maintained by a private company called Jelurida, which is incorporated in the netherlands.

The co-founder and director Lior Yaffe leads the international Jelurida team with the main operations out of switzerland

NXT is Nxt uses the blockchain to create an entire ecosystem of decentralized features, all of which require the Nxt currency. Instead of modifying the original <a href="https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/bitcoin/developer#panel">Bitcoin source code</a>, as many altcoins have done, Nxt developers wrote their own code in Java from scratch. While Nxt...Read more