NEM Staking
NEM (XEM) staking data is not available on Staking Rewards. You can still convert token prices, estimate your rewards and explore reward options for similar proof-of-stake assets.
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Learn about NEM Staking
Who is the team behind NEM?
The NEM Foundation is a non-profit organization that fosters the developer community. Over the course of years, it established regional and country chapters.
How to stake NEM (XEM)?
While staking NEM you can decide to delegate NEM to a remote node, harvest NEM from the official wallet or run a Supernode.
What is NEM (XEM)?
NEM is a dual-layer blockchain written in Java. The NEM mainnet supports multiple ledgers on its cryptocurrency layer, and the NEM Smart Assets layer supports mosaics to represent any store of value.
How to delegate NEM?
Delegating NEM can be done inside the wallet with a single click. Your computer can go offline after that.
What are NEM Supernodes?
Supernodes are high performance blockchain nodes which form the backbone of the NEM blockchain network. Accounts with 3,000,000 or more XEM can operate a supernode, either from a local computer or from a cloud-hosted server. Supernodes are required to be up and running 24 hours per day, processing all transactions.
How was NEM launched?
NEM was founded by the pseudonymous individual or group known as ‘UtopianFuture’. The mainnet launched on March 31, 2015. NEM issued the entire XEM supply in 2014 through its initial distribution. The project divided the supply of XEM into 4,000 stakes of almost 2.25 million XEM each. Everyone who pledged interest in the Bitcointalk forum received one entire stake.
What is NEM Harvesting?
To harvest NEM coins it is recommended to run the official NEM Core wallet with an entire copy of the blockchain on your Computer or a Virtual Private Server (VPS).
To get the highest possible rewards, please make sure to stay online 24/7 and keep the wallet unlocked for staking only.
Is there a risk to stake NEM?
Staking NEM is safe as long you protect your private keys. There is no risk of slashing.
Which network metrics do the rewards depend on?
The individual NEM harvesting rewards depends on the Daily Network Rewards and Total Staked.
Every block one staker is randomly selected whereas 1 staked coin counts as one “lottery ticket”. The selected staker has the right to create a new block and broadcast it to the network. He then receives the the fees of all transactions successfully included in this block.
The current additional reward for Supernodes is 140,000 XEM per day.
In our Staking Calculator you can play with the above mentioned metrics to understand the dynamics and create all kinds of reward scenarios.
What is the 24h Trading Volume of NEM (XEM)?
How has the price of XEM changed over the past 24h?