FUSION Staking
FUSION (FSN) staking data is not available on Staking Rewards. You can still convert token prices, estimate your rewards and explore reward options for similar proof-of-stake assets.
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Learn about FUSION Staking
Is there any risk to stake Fusion (FSN)?
There no risk of loosing your stake, as long as you keep your private keys safe. Please consider that your participating stake will be time-locked for 3 month, where you will not be able to move your funds.
How much can i earn staking Fusion (FSN)?
Your individual reward rate depends on the current blockchain metrics such as total staked %, block time, block reward and transaction fees.
There are 2.5 FSN being distributed between all active stakers every 13 seconds. On top of that they receive all transaction fees spent within the network.
To see your reward rate under certain network conditions for the total staked % and transaction fees, you can use the Fusion staking rewards calculator.
What is Fusion (FSN)?
Fusion aims to revolutionise crypto finance by unlocking the time-value of any asset on any blockchain.
Fusion powers the next wave of financial innovation on the blockchain.
How was Fusion (FSN) launched?
Fusion ICO was conducted from 1 Feb to 11 Feb 2018. ETH currencies was accepted. The project raised $ 42,185,216 out of $ 42,200,000.
How to stake Fusion?
To delegate Fusion to a Staking Provider Pool, all you need is to send your time-locked FSN (minimum 100) to the pool and they will handle the rest. By delegating you keep full control on your private keys.
1. Visit Fusion official wallet website and import your FSN asset.
2. Choose “Send/Time-lock Assets” and input the staking address of your staking provider pool, staking amount and choose your time-lock period. (need to be more than 3 month)
By staking with WeDeFi there no requirements. You need to install the app and make a new wallet (please write down your seed words).
To run a Fusion Validator Node you need a minimum of 5000 FSN. Setting up a node is pretty easy it can be done in minutes but you will need some basic technical knowledge to do it and you need to make sure having the server online 24/7.
What is the 24h Trading Volume of FUSION (FSN)?
How has the price of FSN changed over the past 24h?