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Learn about Bitcoin Staking

How to stake Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is based on Proof of Work, and cannot be staked directly. However, there are several options for you to earn passive income on your BTC.

  • Lend your Bitcoin with custodial Platforms. These platforms have institutional clients who would like to borrow BTC to short the BTC price. In order to fill the borrowing demand, users can supply BTC to the platforms and earn attractive returns simply for lending BTC.
  • Wrap your Bitcoin into tokenized BTC (WBTC) to supply them to DeFi lending platforms or other applications. These decentralized applications are based on Ethereum and create an economy where users can borrow crypto to leverage their investments.
  • Restake Bitcoin as an innovative method combining CeFi yield generation with DeFi opportunities, specifically through the use of liquid staking derivatives for Bitcoin. This approach allows users to maximize the earning potential of their Bitcoin holdings by simultaneously benefiting from multiple financial strategies.

How much can I earn staking Bitcoin (BTC)?

The potential earnings from Bitcoin-related activities are influenced by several factors:

Demand: Increased borrowing demand for tokenized Bitcoin (e.g., WBTC) on DeFi platforms leads to higher interest rates for lenders due to the scarcity of available assets.

Risk and Volatility: Higher perceived risk or volatility of the platform or underlying assets results in higher interest rates to compensate lenders for the associated risks. This also refers to peg accuracy between BTC and corresponding liquid staking derivatives.

Institutional Demand: Borrowing Bitcoin for purposes like arbitrage, shorting, or operational liquidity by institutions and traders can drive demand and increase yields.

Protocol Incentives: Some platforms offer extra rewards, such as governance tokens, to incentivize participation, thereby enhancing overall yields for users.

How Bitcoin works?

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency with a capped supply of 21 million coins. It is created through mining, where miners validate transactions and add new blocks to the blockchain in exchange for newly minted bitcoins. This reward undergoes a halving process every 210,000 blocks, approximately every four years, reducing the block reward by half each time. Halving ensures Bitcoin's scarcity by controlling its supply rate and will continue until all 21 million bitcoins are mined. This mechanism maintains Bitcoin's deflationary nature and supports its value as a scarce and valuable asset.

What are the risks associated with Bitcoin staking?

BTC staking introduces additional risks, never encountered by the Bitcoin community before.

Platform Risk: Bitcoin staking involves DeFi protocols. Hackers can target DeFi platforms, potentially leading to the loss of staked assets. Technical issues or platform downtime can impact the accessibility of staked assets. Additionally, changes in regulations may affect the operation and legality of DeFi platforms.

Smart Contract Risk: Smart contracts automate staking processes but may have bugs or vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit, leading to potential loss of funds. Even well-audited smart contracts can contain hidden flaws, posing risks to staked assets.

Liquidity Risk: Low liquidity or high volatility can also make it difficult to sell or convert staked assets without significant price impact. Although BTC is the most liquid cryptocurrency, its liquid staking derivatives might lack this luxury.

What is the difference between staking and lending Bitcoin?

Staking typically involves locking up your tokens to support network operations and earn rewards. Lending, on the other hand, involves loaning your tokens to other users or platforms in exchange for interest payments. Both can provide passive income, but they involve different mechanisms and risks.

Bitcoin is changing the way we see money as we speak. It was created by an anonymous individual/group named Satoshi Nakamoto. The idea was to produce a means of exchange, independent of any central authority, that could be transferred electronically in a secure, verifiable, and immutable way. It is a decentralized peer-to-peer internet currency making...Read more

From the Staking Rewards Journal

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