Bancor Network Token Staking
Bancor Network Token (BNT) is not listed as a staking asset on Staking Rewards. You can still convert token prices, calculate reward rates and compare against rewards earned for other top staking assets.
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Learn about Bancor Network Token Staking
Are there any risks to Staking BNT?
There is relatively low risk to staking BNT especially if you obtain the BNT as a reward from other liquidity deposits in the network.
Please consider the cost of gas on the Ethereum Network as a risk when moving ERC20 tokens.
There is also smart contract risk associated with staking BNT.
How much can I earn Staking BNT?
In each liquidity pool, 70% of mining rewards go to liquidity providers who supply the BNT side.
For more information of how to estimate your BNT staking rewards please stay tuned for our release of the Bancor Staking Rewards Calculator.
What is Bancor Network?
Bancor is a blockchain protocol that allows users to convert between different tokens directly as opposed to exchanging them on cryptocurrency markets. The project offers a network that works to bring liquidity to the majority of tokens that lack a consistent supply/demand in exchanges. That network is built on smart contracts and a new class of cryptocurrencies that the team calls “Smart Tokens.” Bancor is looking to provide support to the illiquidity that currently exists within the cryptocurrency market. Illiquidity isn’t so much an issue for top coins like Bitcoin or Ethereum because there are always buyers and sellers looking to exchange those coins. It is definitely an issue, however, for the thousands of other tokens that may serve legitimate decentralized purposes but haven’t attracted enough attention in the market to be liquid.
How to Stake BNT?
Users do not need to supply additional tokens to stake BNT rewards, thanks to Bancor’s single-sided liquidity pools — only the rewards themselves.
Staking BNT rewards deposits your rewards in the same pool or a different pool, which opens a new position in the pool.
Your staked BNT rewards earn swap fees and additional mining rewards, which can also be staked to earn more fees and rewards (compounding yield).
How did Bancor Network Launch?
The Bancor Network Token (BNT) launched through one of the largest crowdsale campaigns in blockchain industry, raising $153 million from 10,885 participants in less than three hours.
Overall, 79,323,978 Bancor network tokens (BNTs) were created as part of the ICO, with the top token holders now possessing 83.96% of the tokens, or 66,601,702 BNT. Fifty percent of the total tokens, or 39,661,989 BNT, were sold to the public, while the remaining 50% were allocated for future use.
Who are the Team Members behind Bancor Network?
Some of the core team members of the project include the following:
- Bernard Lietaer – Foundation Council President
- Guido Schmitz-Krummacher – Foundation Council
- Eyal Hertzog – Foundation Council
- Guy Benartzi – Foundation Council
- Yehuda Levi – CTO
- Galia Benartzi – Business Development
What is the 24h Trading Volume of Bancor Network Token (BNT)?
How has the price of BNT changed over the past 24h?