Ampleforth Staking
Ampleforth (AMPL) staking data is not available on Staking Rewards. You can still convert token prices, estimate your rewards and explore reward options for similar proof-of-stake assets.
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Learn about Ampleforth Staking
Is there any risk to stake AMPL?
Yes by adding liquidity to the Uniswap Pool you are exposed to the impermanent loss of the pool.
Furthermore, you are exposed to smart contract risks of Uniswap and the Ampleforth Geyser Staking Contracts.
Please make sure to study the risks in detail, before staking AMPL
How to stake AMPL?
To earn rewards on your AMPL you need to provide liquidity to the Uniswap ETH-AMPL pool. To do that you have to lock an equal $ equivalent of ETH and AMPL in Uniswap.
You will receive an LP token as a representative token. This LP token you can stake in the Ampleforth Geyser Interface.
1. Deposit ETH
and AMPL
into Uniswap V2
2. Receive UNI-V2 LP
3. Stake those UNI-V2 LP
Tokens in the Geyser
What is the 24h Trading Volume of Ampleforth (AMPL)?
How has the price of AMPL changed over the past 24h?